Diffusion in MNI space

OK, looks like we still haven’t added a tutorial for warping tracks for MRtrix3; this is definitely something that needs to be created at some point. Conceptually it’s the same process as that described in the MRtrix 0.2 documentation. Probably the best description right now is here; the particulars may change slightly depending on what software you’re using to do the registration step.

Note however that you typically wouldn’t perform this process for the sake of constructing the connectome. The more conventional approach for using a volumetric atlas in connectome construction is (since I can’t find a good example where I’ve explained it already):

  1. Register subject image to template
  2. Invert transformation
  3. Re-grid parcellation image in subject space based on inverse transformation
  4. Generate connectome based on streamlines and parcels both defined in subject space.
