Display automation - can overlay intensity scaling and thresholds be set from the mrview command line?

Hi everyone,

I’m wondering if there is an option for mrview that will let me set the intensity windowing and intensity thresholds for an overlay? -intensity_range only applies to images at the moment (from what I can tell).

If it would be possible to have an option of the form

-overlay.intensity min,max

…then I would be extremely grateful. Especially if it could be made to apply only to the “current” overlay, if loading multiple overlays. I would love to be able to:

mrview -load image1.mif -overlay.load image1_overlay1.mif -overlay.colourmap 4 -overlay.intensity 0,27000 -overlay.load image1_overlay2.mif -overlay.colourmap 4 -overlay.intensity 0,8000 -overlay.load… … …

On a more religious note, thank you for using the correct spelling of colour. As an Aussie it makes me feel much better.



Oops - I forgot one part of my question.

As well as an ability to set the intensity scaling of an overlay, if there were additionally an option similar to:

-overlay.threshold lower,upper

…that would be extremely helpful. Thank you again, I know that you’re giving us (the community) so much of your time already.



Hi Warwick,

I’ve added thos requests to the existing GitHub issue; there’s probably a lot of GUI functionalities that don’t yet have corresponding command-line options, it’s just a matter of somebody finding the time to implement them (which isn’t actually overly difficult, if anybody wants to take it on :stuck_out_tongue: )

On a more religious note, thank you for using the correct spelling of colour. As an Aussie it makes me feel much better.

:rofl: :+1:
