Error with read_mrtrix

Hi all!

Im trying to use the read_mrtrix matlab function and am getting the following error:

Invalid field name: ‘angular threshold’.
Error in setfield (line 33)
s.(deblank(strField)) = varargin{end};
Error in read_mrtrix>add_field (line 129)
image = setfield (image, key, value);
Error in read_mrtrix (line 45)
image = add_field (image, key, value);

Any ideas what could be going wrong?

Yes, this is due to the use of key names in the image header that contain spaces. I hadn’t realised these had been introduced (though by the looks of things, that’s been in the code since 2014). The only command that does this is fixelcfestats, so its outputs will contain these issues…

I’m not sure how best to handle this. One option is to modify the matlab code to handle this properly, but I’m also tempted to change these key names to remove the spaces. I have a feeling I might do both, but we’ll need to discuss this within the development team… I’ve created an issue for this on GitHub for those who are interested in the discussion.

Thank you! Im trying to use this function to figure out the number of fixels that significantly differ between my groups on my FBA analyses. Is there any other way to gather this information?
Thanks again,


Im trying to use this function to figure out the number of fixels that significantly differ between my groups on my FBA analyses. Is there any other way to gather this information?

mrthreshold fwe_pvalue.mif -abs 0.95 - | mrstats fwe_pvalue.mif -mask - -output count