Applying warp to tck file with tcktransform

That means your version is older than Aug 2017, probably best to update (ac7e73576bec4).

I think there is a mistake in my command: -from 1 should have been -from 2. Please see here for a full worked example and adjust the relevant commands to your data.

Also, this assumes that subject FOD image and subject T1 are aligned (please check with mrview <your subject T1> -overlay.load <your subject FOD> -overlay.opacity 0.3)? If not you need to concatenate the transformation from DWI to T1 to T1 template (feed the output of warpconvert and the linear transformation from T1 to DWI data into transformcompose, in that order and use the DWI image as -template argument). As a sanity check, you should be able to use the resulting warp to transform the T1 template to subject DWI space (mrtransform). You can debug this step by step by warping the streamlines twice, once from subject DWI to subject T1 space (by generating a linear warp field), then to T1 template space using the output of warpconvert.