Dwipreproc with only PA scan

Hi MRtrix experts,
If only PA scan is provided, how can I perform EPI correction without the reverse phase scan? What else can I do to improve T1 alignment later? Can I still use ACT?


Hi Qi,

If you have the T1, you can use the Synb0-DISCO approach. See here for the publication. I hope this helps.

Best regards,


thank you Manuel, it is helpful. BTW, do you know how to create b0.nii from dti.nii?

BTW, do you know how to create b0.nii from dti.nii?

Assuming that you intend “b0.nii” to be the mean b=0 image intensity, and you have your gradient table stored externally as an FSL bvec / bval file pair, the command would be:

dwiextract dti.nii -fslgrad bvec bval -bzero - | mrmath - mean b0.nii -axis 3

Hi Manuel and Smith,
Thank you so much! I followed the instruction on GitHub and want to verify if I had the right inputs: b0.nii.gz (correct non-diffusion image), T1.nii.gz (raw T1 image) and DTI.nii.gz (raw diffusion weighted image) and acqparams.txt. I have some questions about creating acqparams.txt. If my PhaseEncodingDirection is ‘J’ and the TotalReadoutTime: 0.0575. Then the acqparams.txt would be
0, 1, 0, 0.0575
0, 1, 0, 0.000
Is that correct?



The acqparams.txt looks fine.

One quick comment, I don’t think for this process you need the mean b0, ideally you need to use the first b0 of your acquisition.

Best regards,


Hi Manuel,

As you suggest, so the first b0.nii would be ‘fslroi dti.nii b0 0 1’. Am I correct?



Yes that’s correct (if the first volume of the acquisition is a B0)

Best regards,
