Error in generate a study-specific unbiased FOD template

I konw the RAM has run out and it requir big memory. What should I do ?

Unfortunately there’s not a lot you can do right now other than getting more RAM – although @rsmith has made changes to this in our dev branch that substantially reduce RAM consumption in this command, and might allow you to run on 18GB. But there are quite a few changes on that branch, so you’d need to adjust to the correct instructions for that version (and unfortunately I don’t think these have been updated yet). This will be released in the not too distant future, but it’s not quite ready yet.

In the meantime, the suggestions in the docs might be sufficient to get your processing done…

Thanks, sir
I see a solution is “downsampling the population template image after its generation” in the " [Commands crashing due to memory requirements]". How does this method work?

see mrresize