Error in running run_first_all

Hi All,
I install fsl in windows by creating ubuntu machine in my windows machine and i worked on the laptop for one day but when i restart the device the and run the code i found the below issue:
run_first_all -d -i InputImages/Autism/1.nii.gz -s L_Puta,R_Puta,BrStem -o TEST_1
/home/marwa/y/bin/run_first_all: 1: /home/marwa/y/bin/run_first_all: /home/marwa/y/bin/fsl_sub: not found

how could i solve the issue

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Hi Marwa,

Welcome to the MRtrix community! Can you please report the output of these two commands in the terminal?

which flirt
which fsl_sub


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