Error message from population_template

Hi to all MrTrixers!
I’m trying to prepare a population template based on 31 subjects with the following command:
population_template MY_FOLDER MY_TEMPLATE.nii.gz -voxel_size 1 -warp_dir MY_TEMPLATE_WARPDIR -nocleanup -nthreads 10 -force

after some days of processing the pipeline stops with the following error message:
[WARNING] large scaling ([0.00143988496639847, 1.05365290564407, 0.988766088822134]) in linear_transforms_6/sub-xxx.txt

population_template: [ERROR] mrregister mypath/myfolder/new_analysis/MY_TEMPLATE/sub-xxx_WM_FODs.mif linear_template5.mif -affine_scale 0.3 -affine_niter 500 -affine_lmax 2 -type affine -datatype float32 -affine linear_transforms_6/sub-xxx.txt -affine_init_translation mass -affine_init_rotation search (population_template:133)
population_template: [ERROR] Information from failed command:
mrregister: [ERROR] output file “linear_transforms_6/sub-xxx.txt” already exists (use -force option to force overwrite)

Can someone please give me any clues on what could be wrong with it?

I tried to manually run the last command adding the -force flag and then to restart the analysis using the -continue options with tempdir and last successfully generated file as I found on your website. The code goes as follows:
population_template MY_TEMPLATE MY_TEMPLATE.nii.gz -voxel_size 1 -warp_dir MY_TEMPLATE_WARPDIR -nocleanup -nthreads 10 -force -continue mypath/myfolder/new_analysis/MY_TEMPLATE/population_template-tmp-I1F4XZ mypath/myfolder/new_analysis/MY_TEMPLATE/population_template-tmp-I1F4XZ/linear_transforms_6/sub-xxx.txt

and what I get is:

population_template: Generating a population-average template from 31 input images

population_template: [WARNING] no masks input. Use input masks to reduce computation time and improve robustness

population_template: SH series detected, performing FOD registration

population_template: initial alignment of images: mass

population_template: linear registration stages:

population_template: (00) rigid scale: 0.3000, niter: 100, lmax: 2

population_template: (01) rigid scale: 0.4000, niter: 100, lmax: 2

population_template: (02) rigid scale: 0.6000, niter: 100, lmax: 2

population_template: (03) rigid scale: 0.8000, niter: 100, lmax: 4

population_template: (04) rigid scale: 1.0000, niter: 100, lmax: 4

population_template: (05) rigid scale: 1.0000, niter: 100, lmax: 4

population_template: (06) affine scale: 0.3000, niter: 500, lmax: 2

population_template: (07) affine scale: 0.4000, niter: 500, lmax: 2

population_template: (08) affine scale: 0.6000, niter: 500, lmax: 2

population_template: (09) affine scale: 0.8000, niter: 500, lmax: 4

population_template: (10) affine scale: 1.0000, niter: 500, lmax: 4

population_template: (11) affine scale: 1.0000, niter: 500, lmax: 4

population_template: nonlinear registration stages:

population_template: (00) nonlinear scale: 0.3000, niter: 5, lmax: 2

population_template: (01) nonlinear scale: 0.4000, niter: 5, lmax: 2

population_template: (02) nonlinear scale: 0.5000, niter: 5, lmax: 2

population_template: (03) nonlinear scale: 0.6000, niter: 5, lmax: 2

population_template: (04) nonlinear scale: 0.7000, niter: 5, lmax: 2

population_template: (05) nonlinear scale: 0.8000, niter: 5, lmax: 2

population_template: (06) nonlinear scale: 0.9000, niter: 5, lmax: 2

population_template: (07) nonlinear scale: 1.0000, niter: 5, lmax: 2

population_template: (08) nonlinear scale: 1.0000, niter: 5, lmax: 4

population_template: (09) nonlinear scale: 1.0000, niter: 5, lmax: 4

population_template: (10) nonlinear scale: 1.0000, niter: 5, lmax: 4

population_template: (11) nonlinear scale: 1.0000, niter: 5, lmax: 4

population_template: (12) nonlinear scale: 1.0000, niter: 5, lmax: 4

population_template: (13) nonlinear scale: 1.0000, niter: 5, lmax: 4

population_template: (14) nonlinear scale: 1.0000, niter: 5, lmax: 4

population_template: (15) nonlinear scale: 1.0000, niter: 5, lmax: 4

population_template: Changing to scratch directory (mypath/myfolder/new_analysis/MY_TEMPLATE/population_template-tmp-I1F4XZ)

population_template: Generating initial template

Skipping command: mraverageheader -fill [mypath/myfolder/new_analysis/MY_TEMPLATE/sub-*_WM_FODs.mif (31 items)] - | mrgrid - regrid -voxel 1,1,1 average_header.mif

population_template: [ERROR] Unhandled Python exception:

population_template: [ERROR] TypeError: new() takes exactly 3 arguments (4 given)

population_template: [ERROR] Traceback:

population_template: [ERROR] /Users/biomorf/MRtrix3Tissue/bin/population_template:410 (in execute())

population_template: [ERROR] ‘mrgrid’, ‘-’, ‘regrid’, ‘-voxel’, ‘,’.join(voxel_size), ‘average_header.mif’])

population_template: [ERROR] /Users/biomorf/MRtrix3Tissue/lib/mrtrix3/ (in command())

population_template: [ERROR] return CommandReturn(None, ‘’, ‘’)

population_template: Scratch directory retained; location: mypath/myfolder/new_analysis/population_template-tmp-I1F4XZ

Is there something wrong? notice that is the second time I try to restart the command from last successful file, the first it deleted my temporary folder since i didn’t set the -nocleanup option.
I’m working with mrtrix3 version 3Tissue_v5.2.8-2-gc82903bb
Thanks in advance!

Gianpaolo Error message from population_template Error message from population_template

Hi Gianpaolo,

I’m not sure what’s going on exactly, but the first thing to note is that you’re not using a supported version of MRtrix3:

As I’d stated elsewhere, the code you’re using is an external, independent fork of our own code, and as such is not endorsed in any way by the MRtrix3 team. I’d recommend you use an official version of MRtrix3 (preferably the latest), and try to reproduce the problem there – there’s a good chance it’s already been fixed in the official version.