I just came across that exact same issue just a few days ago. Grabbing a fresh version of Eigen fixed it for me. Make sure you don’t use their current master branch, grab the latest release snapshot - otherwise you’ll get other types of errors (I’ll have to look into that when I have a minute, I’m hoping it’s a temporary glitch in Eigen’s development branch).
In more detail:
download the latest release version of Eigen
put the file in your MRtrix3 folder
extract it in place:
$ tar xvzf eigen-eigen-*.tar.gz
run configure with the right flags to tell it where to find your local Eigen installation:
$ EIGEN_CFLAGS="-isystem \"$(pwd)/eigen-eigen-07105f7124f9\"" ./configure
Note that you may need to amend the location for Eigen, although the line above should work as-is…
assuming that step works, try building again:
$ ./build