Mrtrix 3.0.3 import broken, 3.0.2 fine?

Hi Mark,

We make changes to the DICOM handling every so often as issues get reported, and that can sometimes affect what you get. There have been recent changes that affect the order of the volumes on Phillips data, I expect that’s what you’re seeing. The b=0 volume for some reason ends up last with the recent changes. Try comparing the data offset by one volume, it’ll hopefully match. If that’s not the case, please let us know and we can take a look.

In case you’re worried how that might affect your analysis: it shouldn’t make any difference as long as the DW scheme (bvecs/bvals) matches up correctly – which it should. The bigger problem on Phillips is the potential presence of a synthetic trace-weighted image that often gets added at the end of the series – it’s quite difficult to detect correctly, and you may need to strip it out manually (though that will hopefully no longer be required with the changes below).

On top of that, there are more changes in the pipeline that will affect Phillips data – they’re not yet merged to master, but it shouldn’t be long now…
