MRtrix 3.0_RC3 -> 3.0.0 changelog

4. New or renamed commands

5ttgen hsvs

New algorithm for generating a 5TT image for ACT. Takes as input a FreeSurfer output, but unlike 5ttgen freesurfer, utilises the surface-based cortical estimates rather than only the aseg image. Cleaner 5TT images than 5ttgen fsl, but not guaranteed to work in all scenarios. Feedback welcome. (Thanks for collaboration @Antonin_Skoch and @cbajada)


Performs basic operations on connectome matrix numerical data.


In addition to concatenating multiple DWI series (which could otherwise be done using mrcat), also accounts for unwanted variations in image intensities across series, by estimating the multiplicative factors required to make the b=0 images in each series of comparable intensity. Intended for platforms whereby multi-shell acquisition is only possible by running multiple protocols, and thus there may re-calibration in any stage of the acquisition & reconstruction process.


dwipreproc has been renamed to dwifslpreproc. This provides greater attribution for the FSL commands principally responsible for performing the image pre-processing, and will reduce likelihood of naming conflicts with future MRtrix3 additions.


The result of refactoring:

  • dwinormalise is now a Python script rather than a C++ compiled binary.
  • dwinormalise individual duplicates the functionality of former binary dwinormalise.
  • dwinormalise group duplicates the functionality of former Python script dwiintensitynorm.


Generate a fixel-fixel connectivity matrix and write to filesystem. Fixel-fixel connectivity matrix generation is ~ 4-5 times faster and requires ~ 4-5 times less RAM than it did in previous software versions where this step was performed within the fixelcfestats command. This is an essential step for the FBA pipeline. Matrix data are written to the filesystem using a new format.


Perform filtering operations on fixel data. This includes smoothing, and a preliminary connected-component algorithm. Can operate on individual fixel data files, or all data files within a fixel format directory. Duplicates functionality that previously occurred within the fixelcfestats command (and is therefore a crucial component of the FBA pipeline).


Renamed from foreach due to the latter being a reserved keyword in zsh, which will be usurping bash as the default on MacOS.


Provides statistics on label images (i.e. parcellations): centres of mass and voxel counts.


Outputs the centre of mass / centre of gravity of an image.


Applies a colour map to an image; particularly useful in conjunction with the PNG image format for exporting quantitative image data to images at their native resolution with stringent intensity / colour mapping control.


mrgrid is a replacement to mrcrop, mrpad and mrresize.


Searches for and deletes MRtrix3 piped images and Python script scratch directories.


Replacement for former bash script average_response. Default mechanism for response function averaging is slightly different to that of average_response, but in most cases results should be almost identical.