MRtrix 3.0 (release candidate 2)

mrdegibbs: a new command to remove Gibbs ringing artefacts

This new command implements the method of local subvoxel shifts recently proposed by Elias Kellner et al. (Magn Reson Med. 2016; 76:1574-1581) to remove Gibbs ringing artefacts. This is likely to become an important part of the DWI preprocessing chain, given how prominent these artefacts can be particularly in the b=0 images, and their corresponding impact on the image analysis.

For optimal performance, we recommend you install the FFTW library (and associated headers), and re-run the ./configure step to make sure the command makes use of it. While FFTW is not a hard requirement (Eigen provides a decent fallback implementation), it does result in considerably faster execution (approximately half the runtime).

Note that this command has been added very recently, and has therefore not been subjected to any community testing. However, on our data, it provides identical results to the authors’ original implementation, while being substantially faster due to the use of multi-threading. We’re fairly confident in our implementation, but if you do notice any unexpected behaviour, please report it!