Single-shell 2-Tissue (SS2T) CSD & ACT

Dear experts,

I hope you are well.

I’m using single-shell data to perform whole-brain tractography.

To execute SS2T-CSD, I have done:

  1. dwi2response dhollander wm_response gm_response csf_response
  2. dwi2fod msmt_csd wm_response wm_fod csf_response csf_fod
  3. mtnormalise
  4. tckgen coupled with ACT

As I’m using ACT in the tractography step, do I need to use msmt_5tt algorithm when computing the response functions or instead should I use the dhollander for single-shell data?

Thanks for the help provided with this.



Hi Carla,

You approach looks fine!

If the tissue responses look fine (you can check this with shview response.txt), and the voxels they are based on are where they should be (check this with the -voxels option of dwi2response), then I see no reason to change the dwi2response algorithm.


Hi Ben,

I hope you are well.

Thanks a lot for your reply. I’ll do so.

