Spherical Harmonic Coeffs to DWI images

Dear J-Donald,

I have two questions regarding amp2sh and sh2amp to project back and forth between DWI and SH:

  1. When I apply amp2sh and try to reconstruct then DWI from the resulting SH, it seems to me I do not get the original DWI volumes. Is this discrepancy expected, or am I doing something wrong? I do not normalise to b0 volumes, and I use the max number of l (i.e. for that data 6)

  2. When applying sh2amp, I do either get no b0 volumes at all (that is the case when I feed a gradient file with [x,y,z,b] to sh2amp), or the b0 volumes are completely empty (when I feed a file with [x,y,z], I assume a zero vector just means no signal). How can I recover b0 volumes from SH, or is that not possible at all?

Many thanks for your help in advance