About some errors

mrconvert: [ERROR] error converting string "<!DOCTYPE" to type "d"
mrconvert: [ERROR] Cannot load row 1 of file "sub-CON02_ses-preop_acq-AP_dwi.bval" as delimited numerical matrix data:
mrconvert: [ERROR] <!DOCTYPE html>
mrconvert: [ERROR] Unable to import files "sub-CON02_ses-preop_acq-AP_dwi.bvec" and "sub-CON02_ses-preop_acq-AP_dwi.bval" as FSL bvecs/bvals pair
mrconvert: [ERROR] error importing diffusion gradient table for image "sub-CON02_ses-preop_acq-AP_dwi.nii.gz"

i would like to ask why are there some errors and how to solve these errors

thanks for your comments

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Welcome Ruili!

The “bval” file in the FSL format should simply be a text file containing numerical values, whereas it looks like the actual content of that file is an HTML document. So you will need to backtrace exactly what produced that file, as it most certainly does not conform to that format nor to BIDS.
