All-zero fixel statistics files?

Hi MRTrix forum, I have a rather baffling issue at the moment.

We recently converted our FBA pipeline from v3.0_rc3 to v3.0.2 to take advantage of the improved GLM capabilities in fixelcfestats. (While we were at it, we also added some other niceties like bash parallelization.) Rerunning from the raw data, we get essentially equivalent results at each stage, accounting for a couple of non-deterministic steps in the process, however, when it’s time to actually run fixelcfestats, things fall apart.

Specifically, the uncorrected_pvalue.mif and fwe_1mpvalue.mif files come back with nothing but zeros:

$ mrstats fwe_1mpvalue.mif
      volume       mean     median        std        min        max      count
       [ 0 ]          0          0          0          0          0     164577

The tvalue.mif and Zstat.mif values also come back as all zeros. After re-checking each step of the process, sometimes redoing steps by hand to ensure that there wasn’t simply a flaw in the script, I found a couple of odd things that I hope will help diagnose the problem:

  1. For some reason, after the dwinormalise step, fa_template.mif and fa_template_wm_mask.mif have different numbers of voxels:
$ mrstats fa_template.mif 
      volume       mean     median        std        min        max      count
       [ 0 ]  0.0381717          0   0.104609 -0.0280504   0.908895     782582
$ mrstats fa_template_wm_mask.mif 
      volume       mean     median        std        min        max      count
       [ 0 ]  0.0196256          0    0.13871          0          1     973370

This did not happen with the old pipeline:

$ mrstats fa_template_old.mif 
      volume       mean     median        std        min        max      count
       [ 0 ]  0.0325751          0  0.0978714 -0.00965092   0.923676     980796
$ mrstats fa_template_wm_mask_old.mif 
      volume       mean     median        std        min        max      count
       [ 0 ]  0.0209177          0   0.143109          0          1     980796

Despite this, the fa_template and wm_mask do seem to overlay correctly in mrview, so this could simply be a quirk of a change from v3.0_rc3 to v3.0.2. The newer pipeline did give me marginally more brainstem, but that seems deeply unlikely to be causing this kind of problem.

  1. The null_contributions.mif files come back with a single voxel (or fixel, I guess) of 5000 (i.e., the default number of permutations.)
$ mrstats null_contributions.mif
      volume       mean     median        std        min        max      count
       [ 0 ]  0.0303809          0     12.325          0       5000     164577
$ mrstats null_contributions.mif -ignorezero
      volume       mean     median        std        min        max      count
       [ 0 ]       5000       5000        N/A       5000       5000          1

Again, this did not happen in the old pipeline:

$ mrstats null_contributions_old.mif 
      volume       mean     median        std        min        max      count
       [ 0 ]  0.0307365          0   0.212712          0         21     162673
$ mrstats null_contributions_old.mif -ignorezero
      volume       mean     median        std        min        max      count
       [ 0 ]    1.16144          1   0.629731          1         21       4305

This seems potentally more indicative of…something, but I am unable to understand what. Does anyone here have any advice or insights? I feel like there’s something obvious I’m missing but after spending several days trying to track down the problem myself, I’m stumped.

Edit: Another thing that occurred to me is that the stats seem to run much faster on the new pipeline than the old. Would that correspond to whatever process is giving me all zeros on everything? It seems reasonable.

Hi Jason,

Apologies for not coming on and helping diagnose earlier (I’ve still got a lot of apologies to get through…)

For some reason, after the dwinormalise step, fa_template.mif and fa_template_wm_mask.mif have different numbers of voxels:

The “count” field of the mrstats output reports the number of voxels that contributed to the calculation of statistics. This therefore excludes voxels with non-finite values. So my best guess is that following the software update, population_template now fills voxels outside of the overlap mask with NaNs; @maxpietsch is the one to ask regarding whether this happens all the time or onnly under specific circumstances.

If you want to compare “the number of voxels” in the images, regardless of their content, mrinfo is the way to go. It’s possible there may have been some changes regarding calculation of the group average header (3.0.0 was a little while ago so my memory of such is fading), but I would not have expected such a change to produce such a large change in voxel count, hence I think the non-finite-value hypothesis is more likely.

The null_contributions.mif files come back with a single voxel (or fixel, I guess) of 5000 (i.e., the default number of permutations.)

Haha, I knew exporting that file would prove useful someday! :partying_face:

What I would suggest starting with is:

  1. Generate a fixel mask containing just the one fixel that always contributes to the null distribution (mrthreshold)

  2. Extract the fixel-wise values of each of your input fixel data files for just that one fixel (mrdump)

  3. If the problem is not immediately obvious, provide here those data and the GLM design matrix.

Again, this did not happen in the old pipeline:

This file was not generated in 3.0_RC3. So there may have been some book-keeping mistake here. Or are you perhaps using the input data for statistical inference that were generated using 3.0_RC3, but then executing the 3.0.2 version of fixelcfestats?

Another thing that occurred to me is that the stats seem to run much faster on the new pipeline than the old. Would that correspond to whatever process is giving me all zeros on everything? It seems reasonable.

Maybe, maybe not. It should run approx. 4-5 times faster from code optimisation. But if the speedup is greater than this, then yes, it could be because there’s some other problem that e.g. leads to universally zeroed test statistics, which then means that CFE has nothing to do.

See what you can do (or let us know what you’ve done since posting), and if you’re still completely stumped, you may need to share the raw data so that I can poke and prod around.
