It’s me again , after I registered the population_template.mif to the FMRIB58_FA.nii.gz, I then performed the step 10 and step 11 accroding to the document. Then …the effect is not good. The mask loses some occipital regions of the template. Yet before I register the template to MNI, the mask resulted from it looked good.
I thought it may be because the voxel size is different between the population_template.mif and the subject_mask.mif, but after I regrided the subject_mask.mif to the voxel grid of the population_template.mif, the effect didn’t get better.
By the way, because most of the patients in my dataset often have many lesions (e.g. edema), the generated masks are bad, in case of losing some brain regions, I passed the dilated -npass 6
masks to the mrmath -min
Do you have any solution to this? Thanks in advance.