I want to visualize/segment the nuclei and tracts in the brainstem using images such as DWI and MRI. I read about this being done with MRtrix in a previous study, but unfortunately, I couldn’t find the study now.
Does anyone have information on this? My goal is to visualize/segment the nuclei and tracts (the important structures) in the brainstem. If it can be done with any other program, that would also work.
This can probably be done in mrview using a combination of the volume render and tractography visualisation toolbars.
Also, check out the function mask2glass. mask2glass can be used for the whole-brain mask as well as sub-structures.
Streamlines can be viewed either by using the tractography visualisation toolbar, or, consider using tckmap to convert the .tck file to a .mif file, which can subsequently be used as a main image (or image overlay).
I dont understand how can I build the proper .tck file or .mif file which has nucleus and tracts in it (which are specific to brain stem such as DCML, Superior colliculus…).
I mean building a glass brain and putting the segmentation in it seems cool but as I said I could not understand the part which is creating those segmentations.
And also I am looking for a semi-automatic way to do it. If there is no other choice then manual way is an option.
There are a few options… TractSeg might be able to segment the pathways of interest.
Alternatively, the commands tckgen and tckedit might be worth exploring, along with options such as -include, -exclude and -seed_image. The ends_only in tck_edit might also be useful here. This will involve conducting manual segmentations to identify regions of interest that the streamlines must traverse or avoid