I am trying to test a 60 directions sequence in the GE 3T scanner. I would like to put a b0 image between every 10 directions (correcting the signal drifts).
Would anybody advise on how can I change it in the scanner? The basic options that are supplied are only the number of b0 and the number of directions. Is there any way to access and modify the gradient table on the GE systems?
As far as I can tell, you will have to use a custom tensor.dat file, in which you can specify the relative gradient vectors (with direction and amplitude). It is probably safest to ask your local GE engineer or MR physicist on how to do this in a way that will not interfere with routine scans.
Which model of scanner are you using, and which version of software are you running (e.g. DV26)?
Do you have research mode? If yes, then here is what you do:
Modify the tensor.dat file so that entry 60 has 10 interleaved bzero entries (0,0,0)
In the CV where you enter the number of directions, enter 60
In the CV where you enter the number of bzero (T2) volumes, enter 1
Enter whatever bvalue you want
This will acquire 60 directions with 11 bzero volumes (the 10 interleaved ones in the tensor.dat, plus 1 at the beginning)