DTI streamline tractography with MRtrix

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if there was a way to do basic DTI streamline tractography in MRtrix - I know this sounds silly but the reason is that part of one of our students’ project is comparing DTI to CSD analyses, including tractography. I have seen that Camino can be used for DTI streamline tractography but we’d like to do everything with the same toolbox if possible (or maybe with FSL if MRtrix doesn’t have this functionality).

Thank you in advance!

Hi LM10,
It is doable - check out tckgen using the option Tensor_Det


Thanks so much, this worked! Just to double check, do all the options work with all the algorithms, or are there some limitations? For instance am I right to assume that I can use -act with -algorithm Tensor_Det?

(the command is tckgen -algorithm Tensor_Det -act 5tt.mif -backtrack -seed_gmwmi gmwmSeed.mif -select 10000000 preproc_dwi.mif tracks_10M.tck)