I have a query relating to the initial pre-processing steps of DWI. Currently I have a dataset containing no reverse phase-encoding scans and solely have nii.gz images in the AP direction. Is it possible for me to continue the processing of these images (e.g. dwidenoise/dwifslpreproc etc…) and still have a reliable and valid analysis?
If you have a high resolution anatomical scan, it is possible to use this for the distortion correction using the SynB0-DISCO method. Presently dwifslpreproc does not have the option to directly use those outputs (TOPUP field coefficients), so you will have to call eddy yourself with the appropriate inputs. I believe this will change in an upcoming release.
From my own simulations, this method seems to work better than using a gradient echo fieldmap. I will leave the reliability and validity question to the methods people
Let me know if you need any more details on how to script this.
Thank you so much for your input! It’s been very useful. If I may take you up on the matter, could you please provide some more details on how to script this in bash?
Dear Mr Trxix experts,
I met the same question, my data only has a b0 value in the AP direction. Could you please provide some more details on how to script the Synb0-DISCO in bash?
Hi Nick,
Thank you for providing this useful repository. I have tried it and succeded getting Outputs. However, after runnig, I have some trouble runnning eddy command. Is there some trouble shooting way?