dwifslpreproc can't work

Hello everyone

When I was using dwifslpreproc to preprocessing imagine, the following error appeared:
{File “/home/dxf/miniconda3/bin/dwifslpreproc”, line 1327, in import mrtrix3
File “/home/dxf/miniconda3/bin/mrtrix3.py”, line 17, in import imp, os, sys
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘imp’}
Does anyone can help me to solve it?

Best wishes!

Hi Yao,

it’s probably because the imp module is deprecated, s. BATMAN tutorial step 2.4 – zsh: command not found: dwipreproc - #4 by lea
You could try using a Python version that is older than 3.12, unfortunately I’m not aware of other ways to solve this so this is how I did it.

Best wishes,