dwifslpreproc - corrupted data?

Hi -

I’ve been having an issue with corrupted or missing data when I do image processing. I have put together an automated script for processing multi-shell diffusion MRI data for shells b=0, 1000, 2200 which has worked completely fine for numerous datasets and I’ve never had a problem with it. However, I have been attempting to rerun some processing only on shells b=0, 1000 from this data set and this is when the issues started.

For reference, my script does:

mrconvert input.nii.gz -fslgrad input_bvecs.txt input_bvals.txt data.mif
dwi2mask data.mif - | maskfilter - dilate preproc_mask.mif -npass 5 -force
mrview data.mif -roi.load preproc_mask.mif -roi.opacity 0.4
dwidenoise data.mif denoise.mif -noise noiselevel.mif -mask preproc_mask.mif -force
mrdegibbs denoise.mif degibbs.mif -force
fslroi input.nii.gz b0.nii.gz 0 1
fslmerge -t b0pair.nii.gz b0.nii.gz input_negPE.nii.gz
dwifslpreproc -rpe_pair -se_epi b0pair.nii.gz -pe_dir AP -eddy_options "–repol " degibbs.mif dwi.mif

This process normally works quite well. However, the problems started when I began extracting shells b=0 and 1000 out of the original data. I tested two methods:

(1) dwiextract input.nii.gz -fslgrad input_bvecs.txt input_bvals.txt -shells 0,1000 data.mif


(2) mrconvert input.nii.gz -fslgrad input_bvecs.txt input_bvals.txt -coord 3 0:67 data.mif

Both of these methods extracts b=0,1000 and the files look fine in mrview. However, in the first method, I started noticing that dwifslpreproc just wouldn’t finish running. When I took a look at the degibbs.mif file, I noticed that a lot of the volumes had the correct number of voxels but had 0 value.

In the second method, degibbs.mif looked fine, so I thought this had rectified the problem and that dwiextract had simply corrupted some of the data in the first method. dwifslpreproc managed to run, but when I took a look at the dwi.mif output, I realised that there were multiple volumes with 0 value again.

To give you an example using the second method: mrstats output for the degibbs.mif file is:
volume mean median std min max count
[ 0 ] 1028.48 0.0761709 2116.18 -506.125 16994 798600
[ 1 ] 1028.6 0.0762776 2115.07 -485.798 17368.9 798600
[ 2 ] 381.953 0.0385988 822.829 -91.1275 7741.76 798600
[ 3 ] 370.787 0.0389791 797.417 -68.2304 7537.9 798600
[ 4 ] 378.247 0.0383717 812.865 -89.9921 8549.25 798600
[ 5 ] 382.439 0.038663 821.987 -82.8401 8181.37 798600
[ 6 ] 367.223 0.0392471 789.457 -78.6496 7644.03 798600
[ 7 ] 377.25 0.0368577 808.509 -72.1566 7715.76 798600
[ 8 ] 382.511 0.0388334 823.681 -61.602 8389.03 798600
[ 9 ] 375.622 0.0385257 807.511 -87.0571 7705.26 798600
[ 10 ] 373.453 0.0384367 802.154 -60.9324 7514.77 798600
[ 11 ] 382.483 0.0387772 824.391 -75.3824 7440.82 798600
[ 12 ] 1029.41 0.0782203 2117.63 -498.636 17256.2 798600
[ 13 ] 383.533 0.0392468 822.351 -68.1592 7546.43 798600
[ 14 ] 375.384 0.037986 808.045 -110.295 8101.96 798600
[ 15 ] 368.978 0.0389684 796.2 -88.0598 7660 798600
[ 16 ] 374.749 0.0399694 806.23 -68.3451 8036.32 798600
[ 17 ] 371.481 0.0406786 797.495 -86.9211 7217.57 798600
[ 18 ] 365.081 0.0397597 787.301 -62.9788 7527.6 798600
[ 19 ] 353.297 0.0382874 769.697 -81.3567 6954.38 798600
[ 20 ] 375.266 0.0385869 809.124 -92.1132 8015 798600
[ 21 ] 361.002 0.0396556 775.402 -77.8972 7528.77 798600
[ 22 ] 379.933 0.0400379 819.096 -66.0535 8181.23 798600
[ 23 ] 1026.34 0.0805953 2108.13 -447.597 17609.1 798600
[ 24 ] 381.566 0.0408174 819.055 -59.8296 8302.08 798600
[ 25 ] 377.26 0.039632 807.593 -97.3235 7885.15 798600
[ 26 ] 382.602 0.0391143 819.567 -77.009 7936.07 798600
[ 27 ] 371.113 0.0409547 796.134 -70.4814 7355.4 798600
[ 28 ] 382.998 0.0420775 819.8 -91.0985 7647.92 798600
[ 29 ] 384.252 0.0402247 823.239 -95.1693 7851.96 798600
[ 30 ] 384.325 0.0390861 823.245 -59.2584 7601.9 798600
[ 31 ] 370.947 0.038472 796.144 -93.3001 7733.59 798600
[ 32 ] 379.126 0.0396561 815.123 -72.5338 8082.69 798600
[ 33 ] 375.572 0.0379457 809.689 -148.108 7775.14 798600
[ 34 ] 1020.35 0.0768617 2104.73 -392.213 18085.5 798600
[ 35 ] 381.839 0.0391412 820.372 -81.1561 7930.92 798600
[ 36 ] 381.901 0.0401659 818.698 -82.3314 7476.25 798600
[ 37 ] 382.585 0.0387524 823.599 -73.118 7821.06 798600
[ 38 ] 372.278 0.0396694 799.508 -68.4374 7845.83 798600
[ 39 ] 386.846 0.0396756 830.507 -75.3975 8408.71 798600
[ 40 ] 380.926 0.0389068 816.253 -106.231 7479.26 798600
[ 41 ] 380.089 0.0397559 818.278 -111.178 8316.64 798600
[ 42 ] 378.988 0.0376264 816.217 -77.6012 8175.61 798600
[ 43 ] 384.635 0.0384802 829.904 -126.896 7776 798600
[ 44 ] 374.177 0.0397852 804.508 -65.5267 8145.87 798600
[ 45 ] 1032.84 0.0785424 2127.72 -513.125 17084.8 798600
[ 46 ] 380.855 0.0393857 821.787 -77.8292 7956.63 798600
[ 47 ] 374.746 0.0397121 808.023 -82.2328 7736.78 798600
[ 48 ] 370.297 0.0355648 800.792 -93.0965 6553.58 798600
[ 49 ] 370.272 0.039406 796.16 -80.2741 7536.98 798600
[ 50 ] 381.1 0.0376397 817.993 -114.383 7969.07 798600
[ 51 ] 376.33 0.0381881 811.477 -58.725 7462.29 798600
[ 52 ] 382.748 0.0393228 821.479 -80.1691 7939.32 798600
[ 53 ] 381.237 0.036993 821.958 -84.5733 7861.06 798600
[ 54 ] 374.884 0.0383478 804.779 -149.023 7513.71 798600
[ 55 ] 374.648 0.039105 805.498 -75.9159 7532.35 798600
[ 56 ] 1029.02 0.0716483 2124.13 -397.294 17556.2 798600
[ 57 ] 383.008 0.0389625 825.853 -72.659 7563.85 798600
[ 58 ] 383.91 0.0390766 825.076 -111.37 7902.87 798600
[ 59 ] 376.128 0.0377505 811.324 -82.9359 7613.07 798600
[ 60 ] 375.004 0.0395775 803.932 -104.794 7127.61 798600
[ 61 ] 374.331 0.0388976 804.409 -98.044 7750.16 798600
[ 62 ] 385.088 0.0379255 826.887 -72.4372 8092.81 798600
[ 63 ] 374.157 0.0390976 804.809 -81.831 7970.98 798600
[ 64 ] 384.962 0.0404262 825.714 -147.717 7449.95 798600
[ 65 ] 376.663 0.0371148 809.522 -87.3545 7082.71 798600
[ 66 ] 373.877 0.0395336 807.653 -105.54 7103.87 798600
[ 67 ] 1021.13 0.0705839 2111.58 -383.996 17712 798600

And for the dwi.mif file after running dwifslpreproc the mrstats output is this:

   [ 0 ]    1027.69  0.0718035    2115.83   -506.125      16994     798600
   [ 1 ]    1027.83  0.0718082    2114.74   -485.798    17368.9     798600
   [ 2 ]    381.818   0.036165    822.813   -78.9924    7723.37     798600
   [ 3 ]    370.637   0.036228    797.383   -77.7432    7542.51     798600
   [ 4 ]    378.127  0.0358158    812.861   -113.083    8521.04     798600
   [ 5 ]    382.327   0.036383    821.983   -78.6645    8168.29     798600
   [ 6 ]    367.077  0.0367666    789.432   -88.8371    7609.68     798600
   [ 7 ]    377.126  0.0343139    808.508    -89.337    7714.04     798600
   [ 8 ]    382.389  0.0361904    823.671   -68.1341    8359.88     798600
   [ 9 ]    375.458  0.0359702    807.467   -86.8996    7690.64     798600
  [ 10 ]    373.316  0.0358502    802.142   -66.2282    7499.68     798600
  [ 11 ]    382.357  0.0364646    824.388   -79.8978    7418.54     798600
  [ 12 ]    1028.64   0.073511    2117.28   -498.636    17256.2     798600
  [ 13 ]      383.4  0.0364904    822.337   -68.3494     7527.1     798600
  [ 14 ]     375.24  0.0356197    808.015   -138.741    8055.21     798600
  [ 15 ]    368.823  0.0363485    796.163   -88.1229     7632.4     798600
  [ 16 ]    374.636  0.0375119    806.225   -87.8092    8019.47     798600
  [ 17 ]    371.361  0.0379921    797.498   -112.402    7144.86     798600
  [ 18 ]    364.945  0.0372456    787.267   -72.2086    7522.97     798600
  [ 19 ]    353.222  0.0361257    769.653   -91.8469    6891.27     798600
  [ 20 ]    375.127  0.0358289    809.099    -118.08    8055.67     798600
  [ 21 ]    360.898  0.0370067    775.393   -95.7351    7503.42     798600
  [ 22 ]    379.841  0.0374772    819.097   -74.4587    8180.48     798600
  [ 23 ]    1025.56  0.0759199    2107.76   -447.597    17609.1     798600
  [ 24 ]    380.413  0.0345064    819.181    -81.794    8244.63     798600
  [ 25 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 26 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 27 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 28 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 29 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 30 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 31 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 32 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 33 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 34 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 35 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 36 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 37 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 38 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 39 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 40 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 41 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 42 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 43 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 44 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 45 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 46 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 47 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 48 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 49 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 50 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 51 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 52 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 53 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 54 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 55 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 56 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 57 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 58 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 59 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 60 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 61 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 62 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 63 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 64 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 65 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 66 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600
  [ 67 ]          0          0          0          0          0     798600

This is not a problem when the full dataset with all volumes b=0,1000,2200 is processed.

Is there something I am missing?

Best wishes,


If the first 68 images of your input file correspond to the b = 0 and 1000 images, the two methods should produce the same outputs, so it might be good to verify this first.

You could run:

dwiextract input.nii.gz -fslgrad input_bvecs.txt input_bvals.txt -shells 0,1000 data_method1.mif
mrconvert input.nii.gz -fslgrad input_bvecs.txt input_bvals.txt -coord 3 0:67 data_method2.mif
mrcalc data_method1.mf data_method2.mif -subtract - | mrstats -

This should report all zeros.

Also good to inspect the headers of both images using mrinfo to check for any discrepancies.

Once that is double checked, could you check each intermediate outcome produced by your pipeline, to identify exactly where the zeros show up in the data?

The fact that you seem to get unexpected zeros at various points in your pipeline (e.g. either after mrdegibbs or dwifslpreproc) almost sounds like some kind of I/O or data corruption related problem. What kind of disk/filesystem are you reading your files from?