Dwifslpreproc: [ERROR] Unhandled Python exception:

dwifslpreproc degibbs.mif geomcorr.mif -pe_dir PA -rpe_pair -se_epi b0_pair.mif -eddy_options “–data_is_shelled --slm=linear --niter=5” -force
dwifslpreproc: Note that this script makes use of commands / algorithms that have relevant articles for citation; INCLUDING FROM EXTERNAL SOFTWARE PACKAGES. Please consult the help page (-help option) for more information.

dwifslpreproc: [ERROR] Unhandled Python exception:
dwifslpreproc: [ERROR] ImportError: libffi.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
dwifslpreproc: [ERROR] Traceback:
dwifslpreproc: [ERROR] /home/qq/mrtrix3/bin/dwifslpreproc:90 (in execute())
dwifslpreproc: [ERROR] from mrtrix3 import app, fsl, image, matrix, path, phaseencoding, run, utils #pylint: disable=no-name-in-module, import-outside-toplevel
dwifslpreproc: [ERROR] /home/qq/mrtrix3/lib/mrtrix3/path.py:23 (in ())
dwifslpreproc: [ERROR] import ctypes, errno, inspect, os, random, string, subprocess, time
dwifslpreproc: [ERROR] /home/qq/.pyenv/versions/3.7.4/lib/python3.7/ctypes/init.py:7 (in ())
dwifslpreproc: [ERROR] from _ctypes import Union, Structure, Array

Thanks in advance for the suggestion!

Hi @tutuzhu,

This is an error coming from Python, rather than MRtrix as such. This is most likely due to conflicts in the various python modules present. The relevant error message is:

If you search for that error online, you’ll find it affects a lot of people in lots of different contexts, such as this one:

Hopefully that’ll point you in the right direction…

All the best,

Hi Donald,
Thank you for the prompt response.