Dear all,
I am also having the exact same problem as @mairapinto (check the log below, where you can see the locale also, as well as what happens when running it from the temporary folder).
I am on a iMac OS 10.12.5, and it is the first time I try to run Mrtrix3 after updating to MacOS SierraâŚ
The only other difference is that I had to add the gradient information as a separate text file with a
mrconvert -grad
Any ideas beside reinstalling FSL?..
Thank you very much in advance.
(python2.7.3) CBRs-iMac:DWI dionperd$ dwipreproc AP ./dwi_raw.mif ./dwi.mif -rpe_none -nthreads MRTRIX_THRDS -force -verbose
dwipreproc: Note that this script makes use of commands / algorithms that have relevant articles for citation; INCLUDING FROM EXTERNAL SOFTWARE PACKAGES. Please consult the help page (-help option) for more information.
dwipreproc: Generated temporary directory: /tmp/dwipreproc-tmp-NAIN28/
Command: mrconvert /Users/dionperd/VEP/CC/TVB1/DWI/dwi_raw.mif /tmp/dwipreproc-tmp-NAIN28/series.mif
dwipreproc: Changing to temporary directory (/tmp/dwipreproc-tmp-NAIN28/)
dwipreproc: Command: '/Users/dionperd/mrtrix3/release/bin/mrinfo series.mif -size' (piping data to local storage)
dwipreproc: Result: 1024 1024 1 62
dwipreproc: Command: '/Users/dionperd/mrtrix3/release/bin/mrinfo series.mif -dwgrad' (piping data to local storage)
dwipreproc: Result: 0 0 0 0
-0.203751 0.51962 -0.829747 999.999
0.198467 0.520485 -0.830485 999.999
0.402595 0.176183 -0.898263 1000
-0.403742 0.731789 -0.54907 1000
-0.202258 0.941879 -0.268244 999.999
-0.853214 0.518371 -0.0575979 1000
-0.731345 0.520189 -0.441064 1000
-0.407833 0.176684 -0.895798 999.999
-0.733285 0.176636 -0.656577 1000
-0.650238 0.730701 0.208008 1000
-0.322074 0.94103 0.103592 1000
-0.324168 0.520046 0.790233 1000
-0.650269 0.520333 0.553537 999.999
-0.978605 0.176551 0.105649 1000
-0.854682 0.176502 0.488227 1000
0.00073429 0.731522 0.681817 999.999
0.00282216 0.941805 0.336149 999.999
0.653958 0.519271 0.550179 1000
0.329783 0.520575 0.787557 1000
0.197481 -0.176631 -0.964263 1000
0.203803 0.176381 0.962992 1000
0.651114 0.730603 0.205594 999.999
0.324138 0.940969 0.0975322 1000
0.200327 0.940724 -0.273693 1000
0.403742 0.731789 -0.54907 1000
0.732622 0.176654 -0.657312 1000
0.728929 0.519567 -0.445772 1000
0.852216 0.51932 -0.0635149 1000
0.857573 0.177031 0.482937 1000
0.979299 0.176333 0.0993995 1000
0 0 0 0
-0.203751 0.51962 -0.829747 999.999
0.198467 0.520485 -0.830485 999.999
0.402595 0.176183 -0.898263 1000
-0.403742 0.731789 -0.54907 1000
-0.202258 0.941879 -0.268244 999.999
-0.853214 0.518371 -0.0575979 1000
-0.731345 0.520189 -0.441064 1000
-0.407833 0.176684 -0.895798 999.999
-0.733285 0.176636 -0.656577 1000
-0.650238 0.730701 0.208008 1000
-0.322074 0.94103 0.103592 1000
-0.324168 0.520046 0.790233 1000
-0.650269 0.520333 0.553537 999.999
-0.978605 0.176551 0.105649 1000
-0.854682 0.176502 0.488227 1000
0.00073429 0.731522 0.681817 999.999
0.00282216 0.941805 0.336149 999.999
0.653958 0.519271 0.550179 1000
0.329783 0.520575 0.787557 1000
0.197481 -0.176631 -0.964263 1000
0.203803 0.176381 0.962992 1000
0.651114 0.730603 0.205594 999.999
0.324138 0.940969 0.0975322 1000
0.200327 0.940724 -0.273693 1000
0.403742 0.731789 -0.54907 1000
0.732622 0.176654 -0.657312 1000
0.728929 0.519567 -0.445772 1000
0.852216 0.51932 -0.0635149 1000
0.857573 0.177031 0.482937 1000
0.979299 0.176333 0.0993995 1000
dwipreproc: Command: '/Users/dionperd/mrtrix3/release/bin/mrinfo series.mif -stride' (piping data to local storage)
dwipreproc: Result: -1 -2 3 4
Command: mrconvert series.mif dwi_pre_topup.nii -stride -1,+2,+3,+4
dwipreproc: Creating phase-encoding configuration file
Command: dwi2mask series.mif - | maskfilter - dilate - | mrconvert - mask.nii -datatype float32 -stride -1,+2,+3
Command: mrconvert series.mif - -stride -1,+2,+3,+4 | mrinfo - -export_grad_fsl bvecs bvals
Command: eddy --imain=dwi_pre_topup.nii --mask=mask.nii --index=indices.txt --acqp=config.txt --bvecs=bvecs --bvals=bvals --out=dwi_post_eddy
dwipreproc: [ERROR] Command failed: eddy --imain=dwi_pre_topup.nii --mask=mask.nii --index=indices.txt --acqp=config.txt --bvecs=bvecs --bvals=bvals --out=dwi_post_eddy
dwipreproc: Output of failed command:
Segmentation violation, Address not mapped, Offending address = 0x504a25004
eddy 0x000000010006395b SPLINTERPOLATOR::Splinterpolator<float>::derivatives_at_i(unsigned int const*, unsigned int const*, double*) const
eddy 0x0000000100063f79 SPLINTERPOLATOR::Splinterpolator<float>::DerivXYZ(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) const
eddy 0x0000000100055df2 EDDY::FieldUtils::GetJacobianFrom1DField(NEWIMAGE::volume<float> const&, unsigned int)
eddy 0x0000000100057e6f EDDY::FieldUtils::GetJacobian(NEWIMAGE::volume4D<float> const&, EDDY::AcqPara const&)
eddy 0x000000010003ecf9 EDDY::ECScan::field_for_scan_to_model_transform(boost::shared_ptr<NEWIMAGE::volume<float> const>, NEWIMAGE::volume<float>*, NEWIMAGE::volume<float>*) const
eddy 0x000000010004031a EDDY::ECScan::transform_to_model_space(NEWIMAGE::volume<float> const&, boost::shared_ptr<NEWIMAGE::volume<float> const>, NEWIMAGE::volume<float>&, bool) const
eddy 0x0000000100040fae EDDY::ECScanManager::GetUnwarpedScan(unsigned int, NEWIMAGE::volume<float>&, EDDY::ScanType) const
eddy 0x000000010000353c EDDY::LoadPredictionMaker(EDDY::EddyCommandLineOptions const&, EDDY::ScanType, EDDY::ECScanManager const&, unsigned int, NEWIMAGE::volume<float>&, bool)
eddy 0x0000000100006073 EDDY::Register(EDDY::EddyCommandLineOptions const&, EDDY::ScanType, unsigned int, EDDY::SecondLevelECModel, EDDY::ECScanManager&, NEWMAT::Matrix&, NEWMAT::Matrix&)
eddy 0x0000000100007f96 main
eddy 0x0000000100001a48 start
??? 0x0000000000000008 0x0
dwipreproc: Changing back to original directory (/Users/dionperd/VEP/CC/TVB1/DWI)
dwipreproc: Script failed while executing the command: eddy --imain=dwi_pre_topup.nii --mask=mask.nii --index=indices.txt --acqp=config.txt --bvecs=bvecs --bvals=bvals --out=dwi_post_eddy
dwipreproc: For debugging, inspect contents of temporary directory: /tmp/dwipreproc-tmp-NAIN28/
(python2.7.3) CBRs-iMac:DWI dionperd cd /tmp/dwipreproc-tmp-NAIN28/
(python2.7.3) CBRs-iMac:dwipreproc-tmp-NAIN28 dionperd$
(python2.7.3) CBRs-iMac:dwipreproc-tmp-NAIN28 dionperd$ eddy --imain=dwi_pre_topup.nii --mask=mask.nii --index=indices.txt --acqp=config.txt --bvecs=bvecs --bvals=bvals --out=dwi_post_eddy
Segmentation violation, Address not mapped, Offending address = 0x505401004
eddy 0x000000010006395b SPLINTERPOLATOR::Splinterpolator::derivatives_at_i(unsigned int const*, unsigned int const*, double*) const
eddy 0x0000000100063f79 SPLINTERPOLATOR::Splinterpolator::DerivXYZ(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) const
eddy 0x0000000100055df2 EDDY::FieldUtils::GetJacobianFrom1DField(NEWIMAGE::volume const&, unsigned int)
eddy 0x0000000100057e6f EDDY::FieldUtils::GetJacobian(NEWIMAGE::volume4D const&, EDDY::AcqPara const&)
eddy 0x000000010003ecf9 EDDY::ECScan::field_for_scan_to_model_transform(boost::shared_ptr<NEWIMAGE::volume const>, NEWIMAGE::volume, NEWIMAGE::volume) const
eddy 0x000000010004031a EDDY::ECScan::transform_to_model_space(NEWIMAGE::volume const&, boost::shared_ptr<NEWIMAGE::volume const>, NEWIMAGE::volume&, bool) const
eddy 0x0000000100040fae EDDY::ECScanManager::GetUnwarpedScan(unsigned int, NEWIMAGE::volume&, EDDY::ScanType) const
eddy 0x000000010000353c EDDY::LoadPredictionMaker(EDDY::EddyCommandLineOptions const&, EDDY::ScanType, EDDY::ECScanManager const&, unsigned int, NEWIMAGE::volume&, bool)
eddy 0x0000000100006073 EDDY::Register(EDDY::EddyCommandLineOptions const&, EDDY::ScanType, unsigned int, EDDY::SecondLevelECModel, EDDY::ECScanManager&, NEWMAT::Matrix&, NEWMAT::Matrix&)
eddy 0x0000000100007f96 main
eddy 0x0000000100001a48 start
??? 0x0000000000000008 0x0
(python2.7.3) CBRs-iMac:dwipreproc-tmp-NAIN28 dionperd$
(python2.7.3) CBRs-iMac:dwipreproc-tmp-NAIN28 dionperd$ locale