Hi rob,
I tested this issue out again and find out following: as you mentioned, all approaches run into same warning resulting with no Eddy QC .pdf and .json report produced (sorry for mystification). I am sure it is not a problem of FSL installation since on a 3 different dataset I did not faced this problem.
my dataset:
b_value (No of dirs): 0 (11), 750 (17), 1500 (26), 3000 (35), 5000 (43)
full rPE: AP_PA with identical dw_schemes (checked all 12 decimal places)
Dimension 120x120x75x132
I am giving here a prtsc from Thijs Dhollander’s script for generating image of b vectors distribution:
When I run dirstat I’ve got following warning for each shell with value varying from 0.14 to 0.26
I applied on a data same pipeline as usual, ( mrconvert dcm to mif; no denoising since it produces problems when eddy called too - we discussed it in a separate thread; mrdeggibs, dwifslpreproc). For the last step I have run following command:
dwifslpreproc ${i}_dwi_den_unr_AP_PA.mif ${i}_dwi_den_unr_preproc.mif -pe_dir AP -rpe_all -nocleanup -eddy_options " --slm=linear --repol --mporder=16 --cnr_maps " -eddyqc_all ${Dir}/${i}/Mrtrix3_proc/QC
During the dwifslpreproc I’ve got warning about not providing report but I am not able to uncover why:
Versions tested (slspec files copied from -nocleanup):
- mrconvert .dcm to .mif, no slspec file provided
0 25 50
2 27 52
4 29 54
6 31 56
8 33 58
10 35 60
12 37 62
14 39 64
16 41 66
18 43 68
20 45 70
22 47 72
24 49 74 75
1 26 51
3 28 53
5 30 55
7 32 57
9 34 59
11 36 61
13 38 63
15 40 65
17 42 67
19 44 69
21 46 71
23 48 73
- mrconvert .dcm to .mif, slspec file provided
0 41 57
25 66 9
50 18 34
2 43 59
27 68 11
52 20 36
4 45 61
29 70 13
54 22 38
6 47 63
31 72 15
56 24 40
8 49 65
33 74 17 75
58 1 42
10 26 67
35 51 19
60 3 44
12 28 69
37 53 21
62 5 46
14 30 71
39 55 23
64 7 48
16 32 73
provided by me was:
0 41 57
25 66 9
50 18 34
2 43 59
27 68 11
52 20 36
4 45 61
29 70 13
54 22 38
6 47 63
31 72 15
56 24 40
8 49 65
33 74 17
58 1 42
10 26 67
35 51 19
60 3 44
12 28 69
37 53 21
62 5 46
14 30 71
39 55 23
64 7 48
16 32 73
- mrconvert .dcm to .nii to .mif (to have no info about slicetiming in a header of .mif), slspec file provided
0 41 57
25 66 9
50 18 34
2 43 59
27 68 11
52 20 36
4 45 61
29 70 13
54 22 38
6 47 63
31 72 15
56 24 40
8 49 65
33 74 17 75
58 1 42
10 26 67
35 51 19
60 3 44
12 28 69
37 53 21
62 5 46
14 30 71
39 55 23
64 7 48
16 32 73
Provided by me same as in a 2nd case.
Slspec files provided by me were generated with my own script. Original slicetiming from dicom header was as follows:
It took a while to notice but as you mentioned, there are small differences between AP and PA acquisition.
During writing this answer, my eyes dropped on an odd number of slices I have here and never had before
. I run into this answer from Jesper Andersson on JISCMail. He suggests not to delete any slices (as I used to before - because of multiband), but to use a different config file. So I have specified it within dwifslpreproc as `-topup_options " --config=b02b0_1.cnf " Although according to FSL web (topup/TopupUsersGuide - FslWiki), I don’t need to redirect to FSLDIR directory, it searches within automatically, It didn’t (it is just a minor advise for future readers). Answer from terminal when command run:
It looks like command was called with 2 config file arguments? From original 10 hours, time for Topup step increased to 91.6 hours
only to get the same warning and not producing files again.
I also have one minor question. I couldn’t help but notice that the slspec file from -nocleanup (provided by dwifslpreproc) when using only .mif with SliceTiming info directly from .dcm looks different then mine from a script I made.
My matlab code (MBF stands for multi band factor, here it is 3). Data were measured as interleaved on Siemens Prisma 3T:
[~, slice_order] = sort(info.dicom_header.SliceTiming);
Thanks a lot for your time and any answers!
Stay happy and healthy,