dwiextract can’t find images present in input mif.
This is the error:
dwiextract dwi.mif -pe 0,-1,0,0.0383 test.mif
dwiextract: [ERROR] No dwi volumes present
However, these are present in the dwi.mif (see output below of mrinfo):
pe_scheme: 0,1,0,0.0518
[203 entries] 0,1,0,0.0518
Furthermore, works well:
dwiextract dwi.mif -pe 0,-1,0 test.mif
dwiextract: [100%] extracting volumes
Also works:
dwiextract dwi.mif -pe 0,1,0,0.0518 test.mif
dwiextract: [100%] extracting volumes
Might have to do with 2 different total_readout_times present? Or a rounding error? Since dwi.mif was made using -json file with:
“TotalReadoutTime”: 0.0382626