freeview error for TDI map visualization generated by tckmap

Dear experts,

I generate the TDI map using tckmap command

tckmap -contrast tdi -template T1w.mif -vox 0.2 tracks_10M.tck TDI.mif

I converted the mif file to nifti file using mrconvert command and I’m trying to visualize the TDI map in freeview (freesurfer version 7.4.1). However, i encounter this error:

error: niiRead(): unsupported datatype 768 (with scl_slope = 0)

btw, the TDI map can be loaded in fsleyes.

Has anyone else encountered this issue, and if so, were you able to resolve it? Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Hello all. I finally figured out this problem. Just specify the datatype of the nifti file. Here I use the command

mrconvert TDI.mif TDI.nii.gz -datatype float64

and the issue resolved.