November 2, 2016, 8:28pm
I am trying to process some exvivo high resolution DWI. The data were processed using TORTOISE has 7 b=0 and 121 b = 4800. After preprocessing the data were exported in the FSL format - a 4D nifti file with a bvals and bvecs file.
I have processed these same data using MRtrix2 without any major issues. I tried to create a brain mask using the instructions provided on the documentation website. But got this error:
Gradient encoding matrix does not represent a HARDI sequence
It looks like MRtrix3 doesn’t use the bvals and bvecs files available in the same folder.
Can you tell me how to reformat the preprocessed data into a format that MRtrix3 understand?
Thank you
I assume you used the -fslgrad
option to pass the bvecs/bvals to the command? Otherwise the error message would refer to the gradient table dimensions being invalid. It seems MRtrix3 is having trouble splitting up your encoding into shells. What does this report (substitute the correct filenames):
mrinfo dwi.nii -grad bvecs bvals -dwgrad
Maybe you can post the output of that command, and your bvecs/bvals file here so we can take a look?
November 3, 2016, 8:24pm
Hi Jacque
Here’s the output from mrinfo. I did not use the -fslgrad option. Can you tell me how to use this option?
thank you!
mrinfo GB8A_12feb16_DMC_L0_RAW_4D.nii -grad bvecs bvals -dwgrad
0 0 0 0 0 0 0.24486 0.11594 0.55356 0.39736 -0.8411 -0.6856 -0.7411 -0.7523 -0.1082 -0.2456 -0.4246 -0.3971 0.52497 0.46612 -0.2047 -0.0002 0.86615 0.85096 -0.5267 -0.467 0.18693 -0.0001 -0.9847 -0.9949 0.39691 0.18652 0.87102 0.85099 -0.1317 -0.2461 -0.332 -0.1163 0.58359 0.6522 -0.5542 -0.3976 -0.0012 -0.1234 0.75041 0.61441 0.78859 0.65058 -0.0002 0.21166 -0.7901 -0.6533 0.61423 0.75074 0.25419 0.34691 -0.4741 -0.3691 0.89882 0.76448 -0.2558 -0.3488 0.33033 0.09466 -0.8711 -0.7414 0 -0.1757 0.93784 0.9454 0.25207 0.09945 -0.5852 -0.6523 0.58393 0.46258 -0.5554 -0.5963 -0.4234 -0.5963 -0.0013 0.24467 0.68435 0.84049 0.74025 0.59578 -0.0006 -0.156 -0.9459 -0.8712 -0.1699 -0.1884 -0.2546 -0.4656 0.1294 0.36696 0.99243 0.97702 -0.5856 -0.8998 0.16957 0.42418 -0.0019 -0.001 -0.8997 -0.7661 0.47211 0.33071 0.47192 0.36651 -0.6862 -0.8417 -0.7522 0.74035 0.84026 0.68359 -0.3699 -0.4745 0.93773 -0.9462 0.55321 0.59529 0.42335 -0.0012 0.9518 0.89841 0.1294 0.7639 -0.3322 -0.0967 -0.7663 0.16973
0 0 0 0 0 0 0.59513 0.74996 -0.6849 -0.8406 -0.3677 -0.473 0.58438 0.65192 -0.4244 -0.5959 -0.8989 -0.8409 -0.0001 -0.155 0.94548 0.93753 0.46286 0.52521 -0.0003 -0.155 -0.866 -0.8508 -0.0003 -0.1007 0.84067 0.86616 -0.4658 -0.5251 0.42323 0.59549 -0.7407 -0.7501 -0.3314 -0.0951 0.68489 0.84061 -0.2118 -0.0005 0.65064 0.78898 0 0.11605 -0.9949 0.97734 -8.2305 -0.0952 -0.7891 -0.6502 0.1694 -0.0002 -0.5541 -0.397 0.10741 0.24545 0.16926 0 -0.7407 -0.7516 -0.4661 -0.584 0.99245 0.98443 -0.347 -0.2526 -0.2047 0 0.33131 0.11586 0.33125 0.18755 -0.6842 -0.7645 0.89653 0.76472 -0.6142 -0.5953 0.47324 0.36771 -0.5844 -0.7644 0.85072 0.87105 0.25305 0.46618 -0.9519 -0.8656 -0.2046 0.18766 0.42347 0.39693 -0.1227 -0.0004 -0.3306 -0.1074 0.95191 0.89914 0.17547 0.61441 0.10741 0.24592 0.55438 0.74078 -0.5537 -0.3966 0.47309 0.36835 -0.652 0.58449 -0.3674 -0.473 0.39735 0.55449 0.34733 -0.2526 0.68543 0.76485 -0.8963 -0.9373 0.25464 -0.1073 -0.4232 -0.2449 0.74133 0.75215 -0.2449 -0.9517
0 0 0 0 0 0 0.7654 0.65124 0.47368 0.36798 0.39657 0.5532 0.33052 0.09467 0.89895 0.76454 0.10727 0.36747 0.85111 0.87103 0.25319 0.34788 0.1885 0.00083 0.85001 0.87052 0.46369 0.52541 0.17425 -0.001 0.36839 0.46365 0.15574 0.00107 0.89639 0.76472 0.58396 0.65096 0.74132 0.75204 0.47299 0.36775 0.9773 0.99235 0.11635 0.00052 0.61491 0.75051 0.10084 0 0.61288 0.75106 0.00095 0.11659 0.9522 0.93789 0.68421 0.84026 0.42494 0.59608 0.95178 0.93717 0.58491 0.65272 0.15405 0.33033 0.12258 -0.0005 0.00121 0.2059 0.9458 0.99504 0.74009 0.74899 0.74114 0.86651 0.47255 0.24454 0.13003 0.24407 0.78912 0.76531 0.5547 0.39793 0.33239 0.24634 0.52561 0.46573 0.20274 0.15367 0.25468 0.46374 0.94513 0.86482 0.89662 0.84129 0.00157 0.21312 0.74007 0.42277 0.25516 0.1077 0.98448 0.78898 0.42298 0.59369 0.68539 0.58469 0.68601 0.84161 0.5525 0.39474 0.09444 0.33202 0.39867 0.55585 0.83979 0.6836 0.00177 0.20209 0.47343 0.24622 0.13191 0.34831 0.17095 0.42583 0.89674 0.59704 0.58309 0.65184 0.59389 0.25552
mrinfo: [ERROR] unknown format for image "bvals"
mrinfo: [ERROR] error opening image "bvals"
November 3, 2016, 8:27pm
Just noticed that mrinfo could not open the bvals file. Not sure why since it is in the same format as the bvecs file.
But here are the contents of bvals
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 4799.86 4800.44 4799.93 4799.98 4799.78 4800.00 4799.84 4778.88 4772.60 4800.32 4772.58 4800.12 4799.75 4744.58 4800.03 4799.91 4799.95 4800.20 4799.76 4744.86 4799.72 4800.20 4729.98 4776.41 4799.54 4799.78 4744.60 4799.76 4800.12 4800.04 4800.45 4800.09 4800.04 4779.01 4800.38 4800.20 4800.48 4800.14 4799.88 4800.14 4799.89 4800.12 4776.50 4800.06 4799.94 4779.14 4799.91 4799.50 4734.23 4799.58 4800.27 4799.97 4772.86 4799.76 4734.02 4800.25 4800.10 4778.66 4744.35 4799.74 4800.13 4729.41 4800.23 4799.89 4800.22 4776.18 4799.89 4800.36 4800.54 4799.94 4800.19 4799.99 4799.73 4799.98 4799.91 4799.69 4799.81 4800.16 4799.63 4800.06 4800.20 4744.35 4799.65 4745.02 4734.21 4799.70 4800.38 4799.89 4800.15 4799.74 4800.39 4800.03 4800.04 4773.19 4733.82 4773.13 4730.02 4800.15 4772.94 4800.26 4800.07 4799.92 4800.03 4800.02 4799.74 4800.40 4779.10 4799.96 4799.98 4800.05 4799.55 4800.13 4800.14 4800.40 4799.71 4800.00 4799.88 4800.46 4733.76 4773.40 4800.02 4799.78 4800.11 4779.24 4799.94 4733.95
OK, you’re using the -grad
option, which is suitable for a gradient scheme in MRtrix format (N×4 table, each row is [ X Y Z b ]). For the FSL-style bvecs/bvals pair, you need use -fslgrad
mrinfo GB8A_12feb16_DMC_L0_RAW_4D.nii -fslgrad bvecs bvals -dwgrad
The reason you get the error at the end is that -grad
expects a single argument (the one file for the MRtrix-style encoding), so the command thinks bvals
is another regular argument - i.e. another image. The -fslgrad
option expects 2 arguments, so would interpret this correctly.
@jdtournier , I think this is possibly due to your previous post… looks like an error slipped into that one.
@cibtom , you just need to use the -fslgrad
option indeed, so just replace -grad
by that to make it work correctly.
Ah crap, yes, quite right. Sorry…
000 0.00000 4799.86 4
I meet the same problem:
dwi2mask: [100%] preloading data for “Bi_Sheng_20161116_HEAD_008_DTI.nii”
dwi2mask: [ERROR] Gradient encoding matrix does not represent a HARDI sequence
and the mrinfo as shown below:
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0.202706 0.518842 -0.83049 1000
0.202706 0.518842 -0.83049 1000
0.202706 0.518842 -0.83049 1000
-0.198047 0.519762 -0.831038 1000
… …
Is there anything wrong with my dwi data? I don’t know how to figure it out now, I am very complicated.
Thank you very much!
Could you provide the full command that you typed, and all its output? There might be clues in there.
Also, are you showing the full output of mrinfo
, or just the first few lines? If that’s the full output, then the error message is quite appropriate, that’s not enough DW directions to constitute a high angular resolution diffusion imaging scan, there’s only 4 b >0 volumes, that’s not even enough for DTI…
This is the command that I typed:
$ mrinfo DTI.nii -fslgrad DTI_bvecs.bvecs DTI_bvals.bvals -dwgrad
Here is the full output:
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0.202706 0.518842 -0.83049 1000
0.202706 0.518842 -0.83049 1000
0.202706 0.518842 -0.83049 1000
-0.198047 0.519762 -0.831038 1000
-0.198047 0.519762 -0.831038 1000
-0.198047 0.519762 -0.831038 1000
-0.402106 0.175219 -0.898671 1000
-0.402106 0.175219 -0.898671 1000
-0.402106 0.175219 -0.898671 1000
0.403303 0.730669 -0.55088 1000
0.403303 0.730669 -0.55088 1000
0.403303 0.730669 -0.55088 1000
0.201694 0.941537 -0.269865 1000
0.201694 0.941537 -0.269865 1000
0.201694 0.941537 -0.269865 1000
0.853331 0.517917 -0.0599043 1000
0.853331 0.517917 -0.0599043 1000
0.853331 0.517917 -0.0599043 1000
0.73127 0.518949 -0.442646 1000
0.73127 0.518949 -0.442646 1000
0.73127 0.518949 -0.442646 1000
0.406741 0.175895 -0.89645 1000
0.406741 0.175895 -0.89645 1000
0.406741 0.175895 -0.89645 1000
0.732279 0.175756 -0.657934 1000
0.732279 0.175756 -0.657934 1000
0.732279 0.175756 -0.657934 1000
0.65025 0.730692 0.207999 999.999
0.65025 0.730692 0.207999 999.999
0.65025 0.730692 0.207999 999.999
0.322199 0.9401 0.111354 1000
0.322199 0.9401 0.111354 1000
0.322199 0.9401 0.111354 1000
0.324202 0.520058 0.790211 1000
0.324202 0.520058 0.790211 1000
0.324202 0.520058 0.790211 1000
0.649822 0.52027 0.554122 1000
0.649822 0.52027 0.554122 1000
0.649822 0.52027 0.554122 1000
0.978649 0.176815 0.104795 1000
0.978649 0.176815 0.104795 1000
0.978649 0.176815 0.104795 1000
0.854419 0.176854 0.488559 1000
0.854419 0.176854 0.488559 1000
0.854419 0.176854 0.488559 1000
-0.0020523 0.731525 0.681811 1000
-0.0020523 0.731525 0.681811 1000
-0.0020523 0.731525 0.681811 1000
-0.00342819 0.941802 0.33615 1000
-0.00342819 0.941802 0.33615 1000
-0.00342819 0.941802 0.33615 1000
-0.654614 0.519491 0.54919 999.999
-0.654614 0.519491 0.54919 999.999
-0.654614 0.519491 0.54919 999.999
-0.33006 0.520515 0.78748 1000
-0.33006 0.520515 0.78748 1000
-0.33006 0.520515 0.78748 1000
-0.197659 -0.175744 -0.964388 1000
-0.197659 -0.175744 -0.964388 1000
-0.197659 -0.175744 -0.964388 1000
-0.203798 0.176373 0.962995 1000
-0.203798 0.176373 0.962995 1000
-0.203798 0.176373 0.962995 1000
-0.651488 0.730295 0.205507 1000
-0.651488 0.730295 0.205507 1000
-0.651488 0.730295 0.205507 1000
-0.324406 0.939937 0.106204 1000
-0.324406 0.939937 0.106204 1000
-0.324406 0.939937 0.106204 1000
-0.199896 0.940286 -0.275508 1000
-0.199896 0.940286 -0.275508 1000
-0.199896 0.940286 -0.275508 1000
-0.40336 0.730891 -0.550544 1000
-0.40336 0.730891 -0.550544 1000
-0.40336 0.730891 -0.550544 1000
-0.731904 0.175418 -0.658441 1000
-0.731904 0.175418 -0.658441 1000
-0.731904 0.175418 -0.658441 1000
-0.728623 0.518245 -0.447806 1000
-0.728623 0.518245 -0.447806 1000
-0.728623 0.518245 -0.447806 1000
-0.852611 0.518506 -0.0648599 1000
-0.852611 0.518506 -0.0648599 1000
-0.852611 0.518506 -0.0648599 1000
-0.857845 0.176676 0.482584 999.999
-0.857845 0.176676 0.482584 999.999
-0.857845 0.176676 0.482584 999.999
-0.979351 0.176103 0.0992904 1000
-0.979351 0.176103 0.0992904 1000
-0.979351 0.176103 0.0992904 1000
Before then, I typed the command:
$ dwi2mask DTI.nii DTI_mask
and the output:
dwi2mask: [100%] preloading data for "DTI.nii"
dwi2mask: [ERROR] Gradient encoding matrix does not represent a HARDI sequence
Thank you!
OK, no issue with your directions then, it’s just a matter of supplying them to any command that needs to know, including dwi2mask
. Since the gradient table isn’t stored in the NIfTI header, it needs to be supplied explicitly every time - which is why we recommend MRtrix3’s own mif
format .
In your case, you should only need to type:
$ dwi2mask DTI.nii -fslgrad DTI_bvecs.bvecs DTI_bvals.bvals DTI_mask.nii
to get this working… (don’t forget the filename suffix for the output, otherwise MRtrix3 won’t know what format you want for your output).
1 Like
Incidentally, I have to admit that this error message is pretty cryptic - I’ll get that changed now.
Oh~ It works.
The result as shown:
$ dwi2mask DTI.nii -fslgrad DTI_bvecs.bvecs DTI_bvals.bvals DTI_mask.nii
dwi2mask: [100%] preloading data for "DTI.nii"
dwi2mask: [100%] finding min/max of "mean b=0 image"
dwi2mask: [done] optimising threshold
dwi2mask: [100%] thresholding
dwi2mask: [100%] finding min/max of "mean b=1000 image"
dwi2mask: [done] optimising threshold
dwi2mask: [100%] thresholding
dwi2mask: [done] computing dwi brain mask
dwi2mask: [done] applying mask cleaning filter
Thank you very much for your time and assistance.