How to use dwibiascorrect for SIFT/Structural Connectome construction

In the manual, you note

We generally estimate the bias field based on the mean b=0 image, and apply the estimated field to all DWI volumes.

From my understanding I could use the dwibiascorrect script

dwibiascorrect input output [ options ]

In this situation, as input I would input the mean b=0 image, and then use the -bias flag to get the estimated field in the output.

How then could I apply the estimated field to the rest of the diffusion series?



You don’t need to worry about applying the bias to the rest of the volumes. The output is already the full dataset bias field corrected. Also for the input you don’t have to separate the b0, the script will do it for you, so as I input just put the full dataset.

If you still want the bias map, the bias flag will give it to you.

Best regards,


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