Hi MRTrix user community,
Thank you everyone for reading this post.
I have encountered some error in installing mrtrix on my new machine.
In particular, ./configure returned with error as follow:
Chans-iMac-Pro:mrtrix3 cll$ ./configure
MRtrix build type requested: release version
Detecting OS: darwin
OS X deployment target: 10.14
Looking for compiler [clang++]: Apple clang version 11.0.0 (clang-1100.0.33.8)
Checking for C++11 compliance: ok
Checking shared library generation: ok
Detecting pointer size: 64 bit
Detecting byte order: little-endian
Checking for variable-length array support: ok
Checking for non-POD variable-length array support: ok
Checking for ::max_align_t: 16 bytes
Checking for std::max_align_t: 16 bytes
Checking for Eigen3 library: 3.3.7
Checking for zlib compression library: 1.2.11
Checking for "JSON for Modern C++" requirements: ok
Checking for TIFF library: LIBTIFF, Version 4.0.10
Checking for FFTW library: fftw-3.3.8-sse2-avx
Checking for Qt moc: moc (version 5.13.1)
Checking for Qt qmake: qmake (version 5.13.1)
Checking for Qt rcc: rcc (version 5.13.1)
Checking for Qt:
ERROR: qmake returned with error:
Could not find qmake spec 'macx-clang'.
Error processing project file: /private/var/folders/gj/s_6jz24x759f5c1p7mlf0bp00000gn/T/tmpTlu1s9/qt.pro
ERROR: unexpected exception!
See the file 'configure.log' for details. If this doesn't help and you need
further assistance, please post on the MRtrix3 community forum
(http://community.mrtrix.org/), and make sure to include the full contents of
the 'configure.log' file.
I have also included the configure.log here:
Chans-iMac-Pro:mrtrix3 cll$ vim configure.log
int value_;
source file "qt.cpp":
#include <iostream>
#include "qt.h"
Foo::Foo() : value_ (42) { connect (this, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setValue(int))); }
Foo::~Foo() { std::cout << qVersion() << "\n"; }
void Foo::setValue (int value) { value_ = value; }
int main() { Foo f; }
project file "qt.pro":
CONFIG += c++11
QT += core gui opengl svg
HEADERS += qt.h
SOURCES += qt.cpp
CMD: qmake
Could not find qmake spec 'macx-clang'.
Error processing project file: /private/var/folders/gj/s_6jz24x759f5c1p7mlf0bp00000gn/T/tmpTlu1s9/qt.pro
ERROR: qmake returned with error:
Could not find qmake spec 'macx-clang'.
Error processing project file: /private/var/folders/gj/s_6jz24x759f5c1p7mlf0bp00000gn/T/tmpTlu1s9/qt.pro
ERROR: unexpected exception!
See the file 'configure.log' for details. If this doesn't help and you need
further assistance, please post on the MRtrix3 community forum
(http://community.mrtrix.org/), and make sure to include the full contents of
the 'configure.log' file.
May I ask for your help in solving this?
Thank you.
Best regards,