Measuring tumor size/volume

Hello MRtrixters,

I apologize if this question has been asked before, but is there any possible way to measure tumor size in MRtrix? Many thanks in advance.


Hi Sabina,

is there any possible way to measure tumor size in MRtrix?

Yes; but not using a command that is dedicated to importing a tumour image and exporting a volume.

Assuming that your tumour delineation is a binary mask, the size is just the product of the number of voxels in the mask and the size of each voxel. The former you can get using mrstats by providing the tumour image via the -mask option and reading out the “count” field. The latter is just the product of the voxel spacings in mm in the three spatial dimensions.

If you wanted to be clever you could do something like:

export IMAGE=tumour_image.mif
echo $(mrinfo $IMAGE -spacing | tr ' ' '*')*$(mrstats $IMAGE -mask $IMAGE -output count) | bc -l


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