Neonatal skull stripping


The default templates are adult subjects. To be fair, I don’t remember even trying it, I directly created my own neonatal templates, I expect to result in much accurate masks.

Best regards,


in particular, which data from dHCP project did you use as template?
So this way I am sure I will get good results.
Many thanks,
PS: I managed to install everything properly finally!


I don’t use the dHCP data, I have my own cohort processed with the dHCP pipeline.

You should select 6 subjects (for example) and create a folder where you rename the files:

*_T1w_restore.nii.gz -> Template*.nii.gz
*_brainmask_drawem.nii.gz -> Template*_str_cbq.nii.gz

I would check that the brains and the masks overlay correctly in mrview and fsleyes.

Best regards,


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So do you suggest to select 6 neonatal subjects from dHCP data release and use them as a template _ or it is better to use my own subjects?


If you have accurate masks for som of your subjects, I would say that is better to use that ones.

Best regards,


What I can’t understand is that I do have neonatal subject data but these the images I need to skllstrip. So should I create these mask manually ?


Yes, the subjects of the template folder should have a mask associated. If you don’t have it, you can use the subjects of the dHCP.

Best regards,


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In case, should I create these associated masks manually if I wanted to use my subjects?


You can create that masks as you like. For example with bet or robex and manually edite it. Take into account that the quality of your mass generated masks depends of the mask you have created for the templates.

Best regards,


So basically you took your own 6 subjects and processed them with dHCP pipeline and used the output as reference template for mASS?

Hi. I have got a problem of compatibility between gcc version 5 required by dHCP pipeline installation and my OS system (Debian Jessie). Would you please be so kind to give me your own templates you used or If I give you 6 of my subjects create these templates for me ? I would include your name in my paper.
Thank you anyway for your availability,

I performed FOV reduction, bet and bias field correction on ALL my 3dT1 images and I am currently running mass using the 6 templates you gave me as reference. I can’t understand however the last 2 commands you provided me here .

I have been checking skull stripping on all of my subjects and I can see issues in some of them, the rest instead gets pretty results. Do you have any hypothesis on the reason why?


For the first image, I would say that is because there are articatc in the frontal area and the registration failed, and for the second one, it looks like the FOV reduction was excesive. Could you send a couple of screenshots of the original images for this subjects?

Best regards,


thank you


For the second subject, I would say tory to repeat it removing the robustFOV step. For the first one, I don’t know what could be going on. Try to inspect the outputs of each step.

Best regards,


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I think the problem with the second subject is at bias field correction step. The output of bfc, after a first run of FOV reduction and bet, is:

Hi. I haven’t solved the skull stripping problem with those 4 subjects where N4 bias field correction seems to fail. I have no idea of how solving this problematic step . Could skipping bias field correction be an option? and directly applying mass? I was wandering if it is correct for subsequent analysis to just do this on 4 subjects.

Yes, that is worthwhile trying. Even though this isn’t directly your case, do give this bit a read. This because, in general it is the case that bias field correction and brain mask estimation (or skull stripping) are often very dependent on each other; which means that if one bit is messed up, the other might be as well. So in your case, I would certainly give it a go, and see if it improves things.

This depends on what you’re doing with those images afterwards. If your suggestion does work, you could try to do this the same for all subjects. You could also then actually provide the resulting brain mask to N4, which will then likely even perform correctly. So, potentially, you’d just be reversing the order of the skull stripping and N4 in your pipeline, for all subjects.

But it’s definitely a thing that’s up to experimentation with your data at hand. I’ve seen different performance of different kinds of data in other peoples’ cases.

Thank you. What I need to do is extracting average DTI and DKI metrics over WM tracts.

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