Next MRtrix3 Workshop will be held in Taiwan, 1-4 July 2024!

Hi everyone,

We are pleased to announce that we will be hosting our sixth official MRtrix3 workshop in July at Chang Gung University in Taiwan.

  • date & time: Monday 1 till Thursday 4 July 2024, 9am – 5pm.
  • location: Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
  • attendance: 40-60 delegates.
  • registration fee: TWD $4800 (student) / $9600 (academic) / $19200 (industry), approximately USD $150 / $300 / $600 respectively. The fee will include venue hire, coffee breaks, lunches, and a welcome dinner, but will exclude accommodation.

Registration: Please visit to sign up for the workshop and access information about the programme, speakers, and practical details!

Note: student attendees will need to provide a letter from their supervisor confirming their student status. This can be done after registration, but will be required before attendance. Please send these letters to

We hope to see many of you there! Watch this space for further announcements. All the best,

The MRtrix3 team.


Day Time Session
Monday Introduction
AM 8am Registration & welcome
9am - 10am Introduction to MRtrix & mrview
10am - 11am Coffee break & practice time
11am - 12pm The Spherical Deconvolutionist’s Guide to Diffusion MRI
Lunch break
Basic signal analysis and tractography
PM 2pm - 3pm Voxel-level modelling (basics)
3pm - 4pm Coffee break & practice time
4pm - 5pm Fundamentals of tractography
Evening Welcome dinner
Tuesday Preparing the data
AM 9am - 10am Pre-processing
10am - 11am Coffee break & practice time
11am - 12pm Motion and distortion correction using dwifslpreproc
Lunch break
Robust DWI modelling
PM 2pm - 3pm Voxel-level modelling (advanced)
3pm - 4pm Coffee break & practice time
4pm - 5pm Towards quantitative voxel-level modelling
Wednesday Quantitative connectomics
AM 9am - 10am Quantitative tractography
10am - 11am Coffee break & practice time
11am - 12pm Connectome construction
Lunch break
Registration & template construction
PM 2pm - 3pm Image registration
3pm - 4pm Coffee break & practice time
4pm - 5pm Group-level quantitative dMRI analysis
Thursday Fixel-Based Analysis
AM 9am - 10am Preparing data for Fixel-Based Analysis
10am - 11am Coffee break & practice time
11am - 12pm The General Linear Model & permutation testing
Lunch break
Statistics in FBA
PM 2pm - 3pm Statistical inference using CFE
3pm - 4pm Coffee break & practice time
4pm - 5pm Visualisation and other useful tricks
5pm Adjournment