I followed the FBA-multi-tissue tutorial and completed the whole workflow. And then I displayed the results with streamlines . Now, I can see where are my significant fixels are, but I don’t know the name of these streamlines, how can I identify which exact tracts are these streamlines belong to? Is there any tool similar to the Atlases in fsleyes in MRview that can help me locate? Or there are other ways can help me?
And in order to compare with TBSS, I aligned my study-specific template with MNI. In this case, can I overlap the index.mif on the JHU atlas to identify the tracts with significant fixels?
Hello @hyting ,
I hope you are doing great. I don’t know how much this will help. If you have a p-value map, you can binarize it and subtract your label image. Then, it will only leave you with labels inside the binarized p-value mask. That might be your significant tracts only.