Hi everyone,
I’m working with some HCP data and am trying to use the global intensity normalisation function on 20 participants.
I’m using a high performance cluster at my university where hard disk space is allocated, so I’ve set a temporary folder in my partition (where there is several hundred GB available).
This is the command/error output:
[myuser@cluster Scripts]$ dwiintensitynorm /scratch/users/myuser/Workflow/GlobalIntensity/DWI /scratch/users/myuser/Workflow/GlobalIntensity/BrainMasks /scratch/users/myuser/Workflow/Normalised_DWI /scratch/users/myuser/Workflow/Noramlised_DWI/FA_template.mif /scratch/users/myuser/Workflow/Normalised_DWI/WM_mask.mif -force -tempdir /scratch/users/myuser/Workflow/tmp
dwiintensitynorm: performing global intensity normalisation on 20 input images
dwiintensitynorm: [WARNING] Output directory Normalised_DWI already exists; will be overwritten at script completion
dwiintensitynorm: Generated temporary directory: /scratch/users/myuser/Workflow/tmp/dwiintensitynorm-tmp-FVL1U0/
Command: cp -r -L ../Workflow/GlobalIntensity/BrainMasks /scratch/users/myuser/Workflow/tmp/dwiintensitynorm-tmp-FVL1U0/BrainMasks
dwiintensitynorm: Changing to temporary directory (/scratch/users/myuser/Workflow/tmp/dwiintensitynorm-tmp-FVL1U0/)
dwiintensitynorm: Computing FA images
Command: dwi2tensor /scratch/users/myuser/Workflow/GlobalIntensity/DWI/103111_DWI.mif -mask /scratch/users/myuser/Workflow/GlobalIntensity/BrainMasks/103111_nodif_brain_mask.mif - | tensor2metric - -fa fa/103111.mif
dwiintensitynorm: [ERROR] Command failed: dwi2tensor /scratch/users/myuser/Workflow/GlobalIntensity/DWI/103111_DWI.mif -mask /scratch/users/myuser/Workflow/GlobalIntensity/BrainMasks/103111_nodif_brain_mask.mif - | tensor2metric - -fa fa/103111.mif
dwiintensitynorm: Output of failed command:
tensor2metric: [ERROR] no filename supplied to standard input (broken pipe?)
tensor2metric: [ERROR] error opening image "-"
dwiintensitynorm: Changing back to original directory (/scratch/users/myuser/Scripts)
dwiintensitynorm: Script failed while executing the command: dwi2tensor /scratch/users/myuser/Workflow/GlobalIntensity/DWI/103111_DWI.mif -mask /scratch/users/myuser/Workflow/GlobalIntensity/BrainMasks/103111_nodif_brain_mask.mif - | tensor2metric - -fa fa/103111.mif
dwiintensitynorm: For debugging, inspect contents of temporary directory: /scratch/users/myuser/Workflow/tmp/dwiintensitynorm-tmp-FVL1U0/
Have I just put the variables in the function the wrong way around? I’m not sure why I’m getting the [ERROR] error opening image "-"
I tried running this command to see if it was a problem with the DWI or the brain mask image for that subject and I’m pretty sure it worked:
dwi2tensor 103111_DWI.mif -mask /ibscratch/users/uqjmcfad/Workflow/GlobalIntensity/BrainMasks/103111_nodif_brain_mask.mif testDT.mif
mrinfo testDT.mif
Image: “testDT.mif”
Dimensions: 145 x 174 x 145 x 6
Voxel size: 1.25 x 1.25 x 1.25 x 1
Data strides: [ -1 2 3 4 ]
Format: MRtrix
Data type: 32 bit float (little endian)
Intensity scaling: offset = 0, multiplier = 1
Transform: 1 0 0 -90
-0 1 0 -126
-0 0 1 -72
comments: FSL5.0
dw_scheme: [ 288 entries ]
mrtrix_version: 0.3.15-294-ge8a525c6-dirty
Any help much appreciated!
Any help much appreciated!