Tck2fixel matrix containing number of fixels x number of streamlines for thresholding

Hi MRtrix3 experts!

I’ve got a rather niche question, but first, some background: I’ve gone through the standard CSD-FBA pipeline as per the documentation and have created tracts via TractSeg on my population template. After creating whole-brain fixel maps for each of my subjects (that were warped to template space), I then estimated tract-specific fixel maps (FD & FC) for each of my subjects (using tck2fixel andfixelcrop). I know the output of tck2fixel comprises of a map of the tract-specific fixels weighted by the number of streamlines that traverse through each fixel.

However, in addition of having this visual map, I’m also interested in outputting a matrix containing the no. of fixels x no. of streamlines to specifically interrogate and threshold out any fixels that have less than let’s say 10 streamlines traversing through it. Is there some functionality that allows for this? Or if there is a better method to go about this, please let me know!

Hopefully this was not too confusing. Happy to provide more context or background if needed.
