The meaning of the files in the stats_fd folder

I have been trying to run fixel based analysis based on the instructions ([Fibre density and cross-section - Multi-tissue CSD — MRtrix 3.0 documentation ])
I get one question, I do not know the meaning of the files in the stats_fd folder. I need your help.捕获

Hi @yichao,

Given the question has come up a number of times, I did at some point commence writing a new dedicated page for the software documentation, explaining the content of each of these files. However I think this was near the commencement of one of our lockdowns here in Melbourne, and I’ve thus far been unable to locate the work I’d previously invested into this :frowning_face: I’ll try to restart that effort at some stage. Answering that general question here would not take any less effort than writing said documentation; so I’ll restrict my answer to saying that finding fixels where the value of fwe_1mpvalue.mif is greater than 0.95 is the primary outcome of statistical inference at an alpha value of 0.05 with FWE correction.
