Visualising edges as streamlines / streamtubes

Hi Lucius,

Thanks for the feedback. Given the relevant mechanisms of node mesh and edge streamtube visualisation, it doesn’t surprise me that the solution for the former does not additionally solve the latter: The streamtube geometries are generated entirely within mrview's working memory at execution time, and so localisation cannot logically have an effect. So my “grouping” of these two issues seems to have turned out to be a red herring.

I’ve not been able to reproduce this issue, but given your description and @albertofpena’s comment in the other thread here, I’m thinking it may be a problem specific to Macs. If you’re able to get mrview running with a debugger, that could be very insightful. There’s also now a dedicated GitHub issue for this specific problem, given it appears to be entirely separate to the node mesh visualisation bug.
